Packaging & Blending
Solon Feed Mill’s packaging and blending facility can accommodate customers’ requests for orders in various amounts and configurations, from bagged product to bulk deliveries via truckload. Solon Feed Mill’s facilities offer multiple bagging lines and mixing solutions to help us meet our demands.
Our direct relationship with distributors, versatile blending capabilities, and diverse packaging options also allow customers to order products for private-label offerings.

Solon Feed Mill – Fairfax is a certified Safe Food facility.
The Safe Feed/Safe Food Certification Program is a voluntary, independently certified program designed for the total feed industry. The Safe Feed/Safe Food Certification Program establishes comprehensive standards of excellence that go beyond existing regulations to maximize food and feed safety. Excelling at every aspect of feed production is “Our Responsibility, Our Promise” to regulators, customers, and American consumers.
Trusted by FDA
U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials have expressed support of the American Feed Industry Association’s voluntary Safe Feed/Safe Food Certification Program.
FDA officials cite Safe Feed/Safe Food as a model program for feed and food professionals to rely on to achieve their goal of providing safe, healthy feed and food to their customers and consumers. Officials also say that those facilities participating in such programs will have fewer and shorter inspections as FDA expects these programs to be used in their risk ranking of facilities.
The Safe Feed/Safe Food Certification Program exceeds industry regulatory requirements and complements the FDA’s new risk-assessment approach.
Demonstrates Accountability and Commitment to Food Safety
By passing a rigorous audit prior to becoming Safe Feed/Safe Food-certified, Solon Feed Mill demonstrates to customers and consumers its commitment to producing safe and healthy feed and food every single day.
Reduces Risks and Costs
Companies that meet the requirements of the voluntary Safe Feed/Safe Food Certification Program continuously improve by constantly evaluating possible risks during manufacturing and taking steps to reduce and control those risks along the way.
By reducing risks, companies enrolled in the Safe Feed/Safe Food program protect their reputations in the industry for delivering high-quality, consistent and safe products.
Certification is known to result in financial savings through reduced product liability.
Verified by Independent Auditing
The Safe Feed/Safe Food Certification Program is administered by the Safe Quality Food Institute (SQFI). SQFI’s mission is to deliver consistent, globally recognized food safety and quality certification programs based on sound scientific principles, consistently applied across all industry sectors, and valued by all stakeholders. Because of this, AFIA felt SQFI was a great partner for offering and administering the feed industry certification programs. AFIA will continue to provide technical support and expertise to the SF/SF certification as well as training, marketing and promotion for the program.