We are open: Mon-Fri: 9-5, Sat: 9-noon

Solon Feed Mill

America's Favorite Crazy Nutty Suet

America's Favorite Crazy Nutty Suet

America's Favorite
2.26 $2.26

Rendered Beef Suet; Cracked Corn; Peanuts; Wheat

America’s Favorite Suet and seed cakes attracts a variety of birds to your backyard, year round! Our Suet will not melt, has high fat content, and assists diet during nesting, migration and colder weather.

Crazy Nutty Suet Attracts: Finches, siskins, redpolls, and chickadees

Contact the friendly and experienced staff at our Solon or Fairfax locations with questions. We're here to help you find the farm and ranch products you need.

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Tags: Wild Bird Feed, Bird Seed, Outdoor Bird Food