Cattle Minerals & Supplements
Start Strong for Calves
Start Newborn CalvesStart Strong® for Calves is a natural oral drench that supports appetite, digest..
Purina Wind and Rain All Season Mineral 4 CP
Purina’s Wind and Rain® All Season Minerals are available as a comprehensive line of beef cattle min..
Sulfur Salt Block
Sulfur Salt is a required mineral for animals and must be included in ruminant diets in order to syn..
Sunglo Epic Hair Supplement For Show Cattle
Sunglo Epic Hair Supplement For Show Cattle provides longer, denser hair, because hair separates cla..
Sunglo Man Up Supplement
Sunglo Man Up Supplement is designed to increase the rate of weight gain, improve feed efficiency, a..
VitaFerm Concept Aid Mineral Tub
VitaFerm Concept Aid Mineral Tub is a free-choice vitamin and mineral cooked tub for beef cattle spe..
Vitalix Tub Conditioner Supplement #1
This supplement is specifically formulated for mature and growing beef cattle being fed grass hay, d..
Acorn II 2:1 Pasture Mineral
Acorn II 2:1 Pasture Mineral is a mineral supplement for beef cattle.Optional CTC and IGR for ..
Acorn II Calving & Breeding Mineral
Acorn II Calving & Breeding Mineral is a mineral supplement for beef cattle.Fine grou..
Acorn II Hi-Cal Feedlot Mineral
Acorn II Hi-Cal Feedlot Mineral is a mineral supplement for beef cattle.Optional Rumensin or Bovatec..
Acorn II Non-GMO 30% All Purpose Supplement
Solon Feed Mill is proud to offer our own line of Acorn II Non-GMO Feed, including Acorn II Non-GMO ..
Purina High Octane Fly Control Supplement With ClariFly
Purina High Octane Fly Control Supplement with ClariFly for cattle, sheep, goats and pigs works as a..
Contact the friendly and experienced staff at our Solon or Fairfax locations with questions. No matter your need, Solon Feed Mill has the right feed and supplies for your herd.